Our Machiery

The calendaring line includes a compounding line in the up Stearns, the calendar, post calendar unit such as takeoff, embosser, cooling cylinders, edge trimmer, end-up etc. Weshall divide the line, therefore, into three section viz :

  • Compounding And Feeding Section
  • The Calendar
  • The Post Calendar Units.

Raw Materials

MAJOR RAW MATERIAL &CHEMICALS REQUIRED: PVC Resin (Suspension & Paste/Emulsion Grade),Plasticizers,Secondary Plasticizers, Stabilizers, Lubricants, Pigments, Fillers, Additives.


  • Resins are off loaded pneumatically in to silos, from which they are weighed and covey red pneumatically to theblenders.
  • Plasticizers and other liquid additives are pumped and weighted before entry to the blenders.
  • The Blenders do just that. They blend the majority of compound components, liquid and solid into a homogeneous mixture prior to discharge to the Batch Mixers.
  • The batch mixers can be alternatively fed and mix cycles are staggered compound is the dropped to the Hot Mixing Mil.
  • The mixing mill coverts the mixed materials in to a strip which is conveyed to the Extruder Strainer or Feed Mill.
  • The Feed Mill blends the compound and forms a stript o feed to the calendar
  • The calendar converts the materials a sheet product.
  • The pick off removes the sheet from the Calendar andfeeds the embosser.
  • The embosser imprints the calendared sheet with the various patterns provided by thechangeable embossing rolls.
  • The cooling Rolls cool the sheet to a stable state. TheBeta Gauge monitors and product thickness.
  • The festoon accumulator permits roll charges withoutslowing line speed.
  • The Slitter trims the product tot h e desired width.
  • The Turret Winder, wind the product in to afinished roll.

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